i'm baackkk... with sides!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012 - Posted by Jullie at 9:06 PM
Hello blog world,

I know it's been a while since I've updated this thing, but I've been super busy this new year with work, discipleship classes, and training for a half marathon. Things have been settling down a lot recently, so I figure I'll update on a recent dinner I made for hubby.

I know brussel sprouts have a long standing history as the worst food.. well ever! For me, I never grew up with this view, to me I saw my dad's waitresses eating brussel sprouts in the back on their break with butter melted over top and dipped in ranch dressing. Always thought they were... yummy! yes I said it!

Anyway, during a busy week I wanted to have a nice sit down dinner with hubby, so I decided to make well... brussel sprouts! Mr. Rhee was never a fan of these, especially during his childhood, but somehow I managed to change his mind. First, I cut them in half, then spread them across a baking sheet. Sprinkled some EVOO, with salt and pepper. Baked at 400 F for 30 minutes. And served with garlic aioli!

Also made for the first time these hasselback potatoes. The key here is to mash up garlic and stick a little in between each slot with a tiny cube of butter. Then sprinkle some EVOO, salt, pepper and bake for 30-40 minutes at 400 F. You can add other toppings to spruce it up a bit like cheese, sour cream, chives etc...

These two sides worked perfectly with grilled honey-chili chicken, but I'm still perfecting that recipe so I won't blog about it yet.

Anyway, glad to be back blogging!